Chanakya Quotes

 विद्वत्वं च नृपत्वं च नैव तुल्यं कदाचन ।
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥

Vidwatwam cha nripatwam cha  naiva tulyam kadaachana
Swadeshe poojyate raajaa vidwaan sarvatra poojyate

Scholarship and kingship can never be equated.  A king is respected in his own kingdom whereas a scholar is respected everywhere.                                         

  पण्डिते च गुणास्सर्वे मूर्खे दोषा हि केवलं ।
तस्मात् मूर्खसहस्रेभ्य: प्राज्ञ एको विशिष्यते ॥

Pandite cha gunaah sarve moorkhe doshaah hi kevalam
Tasmaat moorkhasahasrebhyah praajna eko vishishyate

A wise man has all qualities in him, a fool has only faults.  Therefore a single wise person is better than a thousand fools.

 परोक्षे कार्यहंतारं प्रत्यक्षे प्रियवादिनं ।
वर्जयेत्तादृशं मित्रं विषकुंभं पयोमुखम्    ॥

 Parokshe kaaryhantaaram pratyakshe priyavaadinam
Varjayettaadrisham mitram vishakumbham payomukham

A friend whose talk is sweet in person but who spoils the job when out of sight should be abandoned like a pot of poison topped with milk.     

रूपयौवनसंपन्ना विशालकुलसंभवाः ।
विद्याहीना न शोभन्ते निर्गन्धा इव किंशुका: ॥

Roopayauvanasampanna vishaalakulasambhavaah
Vidyaaheenaa na shobhante nirgandhaa iva kimshukaah

Those who are goodlooking, young and born in a good family do not shine if they are devoid of learning,  just as the flowers of the kimshuka tree do not shine (i.e. attract people) because they are without fragrance.

ताराणां भूषणं चन्द्रो नारीणाम् भूषणं पतिः ।
प्रिथिव्या भूषणं  राजा विद्या सर्वस्य भूषणम् ॥

Taaraanam bhooshanam chandro naareenaam bhooshanam patih
Prithivyaa bhooshanam raajaa vidyaa sarvasya bhooshanam

The moon is the adornment of the stars; husband is the adornment of  woman; the king is the adornment of the earth (country); learning is the adorment of all.