How to Survive

How to Survive when Bad Things Happen:

1. Try to switch your emotions to neutral so you can think more clearly, and do what’s best for you.

2. Ask “how” not “why”. Just for the moment, keep your focus on the challenge, and the steps you need to take to climb out of the pit. Often, by doing one small thing can start to turn things round.

3. Look for the good things, and the lessons you can learn. It will help you be resourceful, and will change your attitude.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Other people understand what it’s like to get bad news. They know it “knocks you sideways”, and it saps your energy.

5. Try and see it as a temporary experience. Life is always changing, and bad things pass in time.

6. Don’t take it personally. We all experience crises, disappointments and tough times. It just means that you’re human – you’re not being singled out!